Makhana Health Benefits
  • Importance of Makhana
  • Nutrition Packed in Makhana
  • Health Benefits of Makhana
Makhana Health Benefits
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Makhana (Lotus Seeds) - Healthy Benefits & Nutritional Fact

Makhana is a very good plant-based source of protein, often referred to as fox nuts or lotus seeds. In India, people usually consume it during fast or even use it as an ingredient in Indian sweet dishes and cuisines.

However, it is widely cultivated in Asia and often utilized in traditional medicines to cure several conditions. For instance, kidney problems, chronic diarrhea, and hypofunction of the spleen.

Indeed, makhana is a healthy substitute for popcorn. Roasted makhanas are an ideal evening teatime snack and a perfect lunchtime option for school kids.

But, most people are unaware of its health benefits and nutritional value. It is advisable to add makhana to your daily diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle and is easily available in the market at a reasonable price.

What is the Origin of Makhana (Fox Nuts)?

Makhana is a plant-based seed cultivated from the Euryale ferox plant. However, the plant is cultivated for its white, starchy edible seeds in lowland ponds throughout Asia. Bihar is the leading producer of makhana.

The seed is derived from seed pods and every pod contains 20 seeds that mature within 40 days. Then, the seed will be dried and roasted on a lower flame. After that, the outer seed shell breaks, and the white puffs pop out.

Is Makhana Good for Vegans?

A vegan diet is a rising trend nowadays all over the world. Veganism is a way of living that seeks to stop all sorts of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing, and any other purpose.

A vegan diet is a strict plant-based diet. No doubt veganism is an ideal way to stop cruelty against animals, but vegans often fall short of daily consumption of nutrients. It may lead to a weak immune system or maybe a health disorder in the long term.

Makhanas is a plant-based seed packed with nutrients like phosphorus, protein, calcium, magnesium, fiber, zinc, etc., which helps to enhance a healthy lifestyle. Undoubtedly, makhana is a perfect evening time snack for vegans, and they are also gluten-free.

Nutrition Packed in Makhanas

Undoubtedly, makhana is an ideal and rich source of plenty of essential nutrients and can be easily added to a regular diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It contains a good amount of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Even studies indicate that potassium helps in managing cholesterol levels and keeps the heart healthy.

Lotus seeds are small, but surely it is considered a superfood. Munching makhana on an evening snack time surely gives you some amazing health benefits like clear skin, helps in weight loss, healthy rate, hormonal balance, and so on.

One cup of 100-gram makhana contains

Nutrient Content
Calories 347
Protein 9.7 gm
Fats 0.1 gm
Carbohydrates 76.9 gm
Fiber 14.5 gm
Total Lipids 0.1 gm
Calcium 60 mg
Iron 1.4 mg

Health Benefits of Makhana

Makhana has become extremely popular in recent years because of its high nutritional value. Now people are becoming health conscious, they are starting to rediscover the once-forgotten snack for its nutritional value. Here are some of the health benefits of eating makhana:

1. Rich in Nutrients

Makhana is an ideal plant-based source of nutrients and makes a prominent food to maintain a well-rounded diet. According to studies, it may contain a higher level of carbs in each serving. It also contains several micronutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. Consuming makhana on your regular diet surely enhances your bone health, reduces blood pressure, and decreases LDL cholesterol levels. Makhana is an extremely good source of manganese, potassium, and magnesium. However, magnesium is required for a broad range of metabolic reactions in the body, such as during protein synthesis, muscle contractions, nerve functions, and more.

2. Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Studies indicate that consuming makhana on a daily diet may help you stabilize blood sugar levels. The compound isolated from makhana seeds enhances blood sugar and insulin levels in diabetic patients. Makhanas are highly rich in protein, and carbohydrates, and low glycemic index, perfect for people with high blood sugar. However, the glycemic index of makhanas is usually lower than several staple dishes. It is rich in magnesium and low sodium content, making it a perfect food to combat obesity and diabetes.

3. Support Weight Loss

If you wish to shed some pounds, then you may consider adding makhana to your daily diet because it is an ideal way to consume protein and siber - two essential nutrients that may benefit weight loss. Food items that contain low glycemic index reduce food cravings and help regulate your appetite, eventually leading to weight loss. Based on the research, the consumption of extra fiber content food helps to reduce belly fat, eventually increasing weight loss.

4. Contains Anti-aging Properties

Studies indicate that specific compounds found in Makhana could help improve the anti-aging effects. It contains several amino acids known for their anti-aging properties. Eating one ounce of makhana bowl can reduce anti-aging effects on the skin and make your skin look younger. However, the makhana contains antioxidants, making them ideal for a better digestive system and promoting skin health.


Makhana is a plant-based edible seed packed with several health benefits and nutritional value. It contains higher antioxidants and micronutrients, may lead to slow signs of aging, enhance heart, health, stabilize blood sugar levels, and support weight loss. It's also easily available in flea markets and general stores at a reasonable price. Indeed, it can be a tasty snack in many different recipes, including snacks, main dishes, and desserts.

Makhana Health Benefits: FAQs

1. Is it healthy to eat makhana every day?

Yes, the consumption of makhana on a daily diet can enhance your digestion and keep constipation at bay.

2. What is makhana made from?

Makhana is a plant-based seed cultivated from the Euryale ferox plant.

3. Is makhana good for bones?

As we know, calcium is essential to improve overall bones and teeth health, and makhana is a good source of calcium.

4. What is the best way to eat makhana?

In India, people usually consume it during fast or even use it as an ingredient in Indian sweet dishes or cuisines.

5. Is makhana a Satvik food?

Yes, makhana is a Sativk food, and people usually consume it during fast to stay energized.

6. How much makhana can I eat in a day?

Makahan is a good plant-based source of protein and also a low-calorie snack, but that doesn't mean you can overeat it. Consumption of 30 to 40 grams of makahan is best on a regular diet.

7. Can I eat makhana with milk?

Milk and makhana are good sources of protein and even the best option if you're on a weight loss diet. Because it keeps you full for a longer time, thereby reducing food cravings.

8. Which is better, roasted or raw makhana?

Roasted makhanas are an ideal evening teatime snack and a perfect lunchtime option for school kids.

9. Where does makhana come from?

Makhana is a plant-based seed cultivated from the Euryale ferox plant. It is a healthy Indian snack cultivated majorly in the Bihar state of India.

10. Is makhana good for thyroid patients?

Yes, makhana is good for thyroid patients because it contains selenium, which reduces major thyroid-related issues.

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Sahil Singh Kathait

Written By: Sahil Singh Kathait

A boy-in-squares bagging escapades of switching streets in groove & sensing musical airy-notes from 6 1". Under wayed nyctophile sketching the walls of life from the panorama of anime.